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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Two months on, Canacona schools yet to get text books

AGONDA – It may sound strange, but it’s very true. Many schools in Canacona taluka are yet to receive text books supplied through the Sarva Sikhsha Abhiyan (SSA) and Directorate of Education.
With a few days left to complete two months of schools re-opening and for the students to answer their first exam of this academic year starting on August 6, some schools turned lucky only a few days back to get their text books, while still few others are left in the lurch to mend for themselves due to non-availability of other text-books.
According to ADEI Canacona, the Std VII Geography text book, which was in hot contention since the beginning of this academic year, finally reached almost all the schools, but only a few days ago.
As few schools of this taluka were finding it difficult to cope up with parents’ complaints, the non-available Std VIII Konkani text books also reached the concerned students, but that too after a one-and-half month wait.
The other contentious Konkani text book of Std V is alarmingly the bone of contention now, and if ADEI Canacona is to be believed, this text book too is not available all over Goa for distribution to the remaining students.
The picture gets still murkier when one is given to understand that not a single copy of Std IV (Marathi medium) Parishar Abhiyas is yet to be printed reportedly due to receipt of its faulty CD.
Earlier, SSA’s Director L M T Fernandes blamed the non-cooperative links between SSA and the Directorate of Education and claimed that the stock of text books are available or can be made available at short notice with the proper follow-up.
At that time, Fernandes even asked this correspondent to come and photograph the available stock of books and when asked why those text books could not reach the concerned schools, he also blamed the schools for not doing enough to get their required stock.
During that time, even Director (Administration) T S Sawant who was having the charge in the absence of Director of Education claimed that responsibility to make the text books available lies with the Board.
He declined to comment further and stated that while he was looking after only day-to-day administration, the Director of Education is seized with the matter.
Efforts to contact the Director of Education failed while mobile calls went unattended.
Incidentally, while required text books are supplied by the concerned ADEIs to respective schools through BRC’s and CRC’s of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan in other talukas, the Canacona schools are reportedly asked to collect their requirements from ADEI office at Chaudi.
The Canacona ADEI, however, expressed their helplessness as unlike ADEIs in other talukas, their (Canacona) office is not equipped with any vehicle.

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